COVID-19 Resource
Session XII: Situational Briefing and Leadership Essentials: Endings & Beginnings

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COVID-19 Resources
Dr. Josh Sharfstein, Vice Dean for Public Health Practice and Community Engagement at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, discussed how the pandemic has changed over the course of the past year, and the influence mayors have had on its containment. Mayors reflected on lessons learned in the past year and discussed how leaders can help shape better cities as we emerge from the pandemic. Rawi Abdelal, the faculty co-chair of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative and Herbert F. Johnson Professor of International Management at Harvard Business School, moderated the discussion. Mayor Mike Bloomberg provided opening remarks and shared appreciation for the community of mayors, city leaders, and experts who participated in the series. Jorrit de Jong, Faculty Director of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative and Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Management at Harvard Kennedy School, provided closing remarks.