COVID-19 Resource
Session IV: Situational Briefing: A Public Health Briefing on Masks and Crisis Leadership Essentials: Understanding and Supporting the Commercial Sector

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COVID-19 Resources
Dr. Josh Sharfstein, Vice Dean for Public Health Practice and Community Engagement at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Dr. Monica Gandhi, Professor of Medicine and Associate Chief in the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, presented public health guidance on the use of masks and issuing broad mandates if they have that power. Karen Gordon Mills, Senior Fellow at Harvard Business School and former Administrator of the US Small Business Administration, facilitated a discussion on the challenges of supporting local businesses caught in the current maelstrom of crises. Harvard Business School Professor Rawi Abdelal, the faculty co-chair of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative, moderated the session.